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heart and lightning.

As we begin to settle into the new reality and rhythms of life, we recognize that the world has changed dramatically in the past couple of weeks. But just because things are not as they once were does not mean all is lost.

These days are certainly unprecedented, but so too are the ways that communities are coming together. From delivering food to vulnerable neighbors, to participating in block-wide front porch fitness exercises, people are trading fear for courage and isolation for introspection. 

The brands and organizations in our communities are also rising to the challenge each and every day to battle COVID-19. They’re assembling task forces and developing technology. They’re acknowledging the contributions of service workers and care providers. Most simply, they’re operating at the intersection of heart and lightning.  

While on a call this week with a friend and a client, she reminded me candidly that “Manifesto was made for times like these,” and that brands, now more than ever, need to know what they stand for and why their employees and the world should care. They need a Rally Cry to remind them who they are and what’s worth fighting for—together.  

In this post, we’ve chosen to highlight some of our friends, partners, clients and community members who exhibit the same sense of courage and care as Manifesto celebrates—creating a new kind of Rally Cry for a brave new world. 

“We believe in care over commerce. That when you give a damn, you’ll inspire others to do the same.”


Dave Dyer


putting care over commerce

Stone Soup: Stone Soup, a Portland-based nonprofit restaurant and culinary training center, as well as our Table for Ten partner, has stepped up to provide meals to over 500 unhoused men and women in Multnomah County. Stone Soup, along with additional local and renowned partners, are providing three meals a day, seven day a week, ensuring that those most at-risk to COVID-19 are receiving meals in the wake of a global crisis.

Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies: Across the country, doctors and nurses are using masks and other protective gear at a rapid rate as they treat patients through the current pandemic. To help resupply the shortage, a local grassroots effort has formed online through the Portland 3D Printing Lab community, led by designers and engineers from Oregon—including one from Intel, Shashi Jain. They have developed plastic face shields that can be made using 3D printers from their companies, and are continuing to reach out to find other printers in the PNW. Since the weekend, the local group is on track to deliver over 5,700 pieces of personal protective equipment across eight hospitals, bringing a greater level of protection to healthcare providers on the front lines. To find out more about the 3D printing community in Portland and ways to get involved, check out the Facebook group here

Frontline Foods PDX: Frontline Foods is on a mission to provide 10,000 meals to front line healthcare workers who are battling COVID-19, while simultaneously helping to keep some of Portland’s favorite restaurants in business. Frontline Foods PDX, spearheaded locally by Nick Cain, is a donation-based “meal train” that provides food from local restaurants to those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization, partnered with World Central Kitchen, not only helps support our local restaurant community, but also those medical professionals who are keeping Portland informed, prepared and safe. For more information on the program, donations or volunteering to help bring Frontline Foods to your local healthcare workers, click here


rally cry

There has never been a more urgent time for brands to declare what they stand for and rally their employees and their customers around that belief system. When record numbers of Americans are losing their jobs, non-essential businesses are closing their doors and lives are on the line, brands have an opportunity to step into the gap to mobilize and galvanize their employees, resources and their customers. In this new COVID-19 environment, discover the five reasons why you need a Manifesto and how this tool has the power to unify and unite.

Click here to download the whitepaper.


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